ini adalah pengalaman saya, saat saya bermain game atau internet di leptop atau komputer tiba - tiba leptop atau komputer kita hang atau macet. mouse digeserkan tidak bergerak bahkan tidak mau menutup aplikasi.
berikut : * SOFTWARE
Penyebab komputer sering hang adalah software yang kita install tidak support system operasi. Untuk itu periksa terlebih dahul apakah OS PC (Mac, Windows 98 dsb) dan cek system requirement untuk hardwarenya.
Selain software, virus juga berperan membuat komputer berperilaku aneh. Untuk itu lengkapi komputer dengan anti virus yang selalu terupdate.
Kondisi lembab dan kotor dapat menyebabkan memori komputer atau RAM sering menyebabkan “blue screen” bahkan monitor tidak menampilkan gambar apapun. Cabut dan bersihkan memori dengan hati-hati lalu tancapkan kembali. Cek dan ganti RAM dengan spesifikasi yang sama jika kita memasang 2 keping RAM yang berbeda.
* Hardware Konflik
Hardware yang tidak terinstall dengan baik, motherboard yang tidak support dengan VGA Card dapat pula menjadi penyebab komputer hang dan macet. Cek dengan cara :
1. Klik “Start”
2. Setting
3. Control Panel
4. System
5. Device Manager
Kemudian perhatikan apakah ada tanda “!” berwarna kuning dalam segitiga. Jika ada, install ulang driver harware tersebut dan pastikan driver terinstall dengan benar.
BIOS Motherboardpun bisa kadaluarsa terhadap hardware terbaru sehingga tidak bisa support. Kunjungi website pembuat BIOS motherboard dan dapatkan updatenya.
* Power Supply
Daya listrik yang kurang memadai dapat mengakibatkan idak berfungsinya koputer secara maksimal. Cek daya listrik, gunakan penstabil daya seperti UPS.
File-file yang tidak beraturan di dalam hardisk susunannya dapat mengakibatkan loading berat. Lakukan defrag dan disk clean up terhadap hardisk secara berkala, misal sebulan sekali.
Saat printer menerima perintah untuk melakukan print sebuah dokumen, maka printer akan menyimpannya ke dalam memorinya. Jika dokumen terlalu besaar, memori printer terlalu kecil, hal ini juga dapat menyebabkan hang komputer. Cabut kabel data printer dan matikan printer, kemudian lakukan reset pada tombol printer.
* OE Exception
Hal ini disebabkan VGA Card yang tidak support. Ubah setting Appearence, jika tetap kita harus mengganti VGA cardnya.
* Panas
Kondisi komputer yang panas menyebabkan beberapa harware tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Matikan komputer atau tambahkan kipas tambahan untuk mengurangi panas PC.
Semoga bermanfaat … !! Jika tetap hang install ulang
(This is my experience, when I play games or internet or computer leptop arrived - arrived leptop or computer hangs or freezes. shifted the mouse does not move even not close the application.
following: * SOFTWARE
Causes are often hangs computer software that we install the operating system does not support. For that please check whether the OS dahul PC (Mac, Windows 98, etc.) and check the system requirements for hardware.
In addition to the software, it will also serve to make the computer behave strangely. For those computers equipped with anti-virus that is always updated.
Damp and dirty conditions can lead to computer memory or RAM are causing "blue screen" even it does not display any image. Unplug and remove the memory carefully and then plug it back. Check and replace the RAM with the same specs if we put two different RAM chips.
* Hardware Conflicts
The hardware was not installed properly, the motherboard does not support the VGA Card can also be the cause of the computer hangs and jams. Check by:
1. Click "Start"
2. Setting
3. Control Panel
4. System
5. Device Manager
Then see if there is a "!" In a yellow triangle. If there is, reinstall the driver and make sure the harware driver installed correctly.
BIOS Motherboardpun expire on the latest hardware so it can not support. Visit the manufacturer's website and get a motherboard BIOS update.
* Power Supply
Inadequate electrical power could result o koputer functioning optimally. Check power supply, use a power stabilizer such as UPS.
The files in the hard drive irregular arrangement can lead to heavy loading. Do a defrag and disk clean up to the hard drive on a regular basis, such as once a month.
When the printer receives the command to print a document, the printer will store into memory. If the document is too besaar, printer memory is too small, it can also cause the computer to hang. Unplug the printer data cable and turn the printer off, then do a reset on the printer.
* Exception OE
This is due to graphics cards that do not support. Change the setting Appearence, if we still have to replace the VGA card.
* Heat
Conditions were hot computer harware cause some can not function properly. Turn off the computer or add an additional fan to reduce heat PC.May be useful ...! If still hangs reinstall)
(This is my experience, when I play games or internet or computer leptop arrived - arrived leptop or computer hangs or freezes. shifted the mouse does not move even not close the application.
following: * SOFTWARE
Causes are often hangs computer software that we install the operating system does not support. For that please check whether the OS dahul PC (Mac, Windows 98, etc.) and check the system requirements for hardware.
In addition to the software, it will also serve to make the computer behave strangely. For those computers equipped with anti-virus that is always updated.
Damp and dirty conditions can lead to computer memory or RAM are causing "blue screen" even it does not display any image. Unplug and remove the memory carefully and then plug it back. Check and replace the RAM with the same specs if we put two different RAM chips.
* Hardware Conflicts
The hardware was not installed properly, the motherboard does not support the VGA Card can also be the cause of the computer hangs and jams. Check by:
1. Click "Start"
2. Setting
3. Control Panel
4. System
5. Device Manager
Then see if there is a "!" In a yellow triangle. If there is, reinstall the driver and make sure the harware driver installed correctly.
BIOS Motherboardpun expire on the latest hardware so it can not support. Visit the manufacturer's website and get a motherboard BIOS update.
* Power Supply
Inadequate electrical power could result o koputer functioning optimally. Check power supply, use a power stabilizer such as UPS.
The files in the hard drive irregular arrangement can lead to heavy loading. Do a defrag and disk clean up to the hard drive on a regular basis, such as once a month.
When the printer receives the command to print a document, the printer will store into memory. If the document is too besaar, printer memory is too small, it can also cause the computer to hang. Unplug the printer data cable and turn the printer off, then do a reset on the printer.
* Exception OE
This is due to graphics cards that do not support. Change the setting Appearence, if we still have to replace the VGA card.
* Heat
Conditions were hot computer harware cause some can not function properly. Turn off the computer or add an additional fan to reduce heat PC.May be useful ...! If still hangs reinstall)